Night hike

2 oktober 2014 - Cuyabeno National Park, Ecuador

There are about 5 tribes living in the jungle in Ecuador, each with their own language.  Some have mixed with the Spanish speaking population and are bilingual.
We went to visit one of the tribes today. An 80 year old woman showed us how they prepare food from roots. It was quite interesting.  She was very concerned with the future of the jungle. Many animals dissapeared, partly because of tourism, but mainly because of oil polution. Some areas are heavily polluted and both humans and animals that drunk the water died. The company's pay the indigenous people 1000$ or more per month to keep quiet.
With the current president there has been improvement but there is much work to be done still.
In the afternoon we went again by foot into the jungle to visit a tree so high it could be used as an antenna for your phone.  It was the only place where you could call, some of us did get a signal.
We took the boat back and waited for the night to fall.
The large majority of the animals does not come out during the day.
This is why we went on a night hike in the jungle. There was definitely some tension in the group, no one likes to step on a snake or touch a tarantula sitting on the tree. Tarantula was one of the species we found during our short walk.
As it is our last day tomorrow we are heading back to Quitó.  There is a long way ahead so we don't expect to be there before nightfall.
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