Back in Quitó

20 oktober 2014 - Quito, Ecuador

In Quitó we visited the serpent zoo. They don't have such a large number of animals there but we do get plenty of information about the snakes. Snakes are not uncommon in Ecuador and you can find them almost anywhere. Some are poisonous and others are harmless. We learned what we best do incase of a snakebite. Sucking out the poison is useless and won't work. Binding of the arm so the poison stays in one spot could cost you your arm. The best thing to do is to head for a doctor.
The daredevils among us were allowed to hold a small Anaconda in their neck. Obviously I couldn't pass up on this opportunity.
I was fortunate to attend an Ecuadorian wedding. A unique opportunity for a European. In Belgium we need to go to the cityhall to get married. Here you can ask them to come to the party do you can wed there. Quite convenient. We also got to witness a group doing dances from the highland. They called it folkloric ballet and it was truly a feast for the eyes.
I learned more about Ecuador by talking to some people here. Ecuador has signed the Kyoto agreement, but before they need to work on polution they first need to deal with more important issues such as extreme poverty and malnutrition. I learned there is some talented people working on that some of who got their Masters degree in Belgium.
Later today we will be heading for Baños wich is basically the Durbuy of Ecuador. To be continued!