
12 oktober 2014 - Puerto Baquerizo Moreno, Ecuador

The Galapagos islands are mostly famous because of Darwin. The birds he found here gave him the inspiration for his famous book On the origin of species. For a long time these islands where in danger because of raids by ships who had to restock and the introduction of new species such as goats. Thanks to tourism it is now important to preserve the nature as it makes more money from tourism then from plundering the lands. All islands are now part of a national park and are protected.
We arrived on San Christobal yesterday and witnessed quite fast how easy it was to approach Sea lions on the beach. It's pretty amazing when you are not used it.
The best spot for diving near San Christobal is Kickers rock. Being a diver I didn't want to miss out. It was expensive but payed off. We saw at least half a dozen of Galapagos Sharks, white point shark, turtles, rays,.. I hoped to see Sharks so I was pretty happy. One thing I didn't expect was a huge wall of fish near the end of the first dive. When they were above you it became completely dark. They were all around us. Great finale of the dive.
After the dive we rested on a sandy white beach with clear waters and long grass and mountains behind it, as far as the eye can see. For a short time we feel like Robinson Cruiso.
Exiting times ahead because tomorrow we are island hopping to Santa Cruz!

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